Friday, November 21, 2008


I love this girl. We've been through so much together. We got each others back through errythang ! You should read the blog that she made for me :

IFLH<3 Always & Forever.

"Nerd" (5:53:37 PM): ANNJEANETTE FORTUNO ur the only one i need in my life...
even if everyone disowns me, i know you'll always be there for me...
cheering me on every single day...
for me to be happy in life

"Nerd" (5:56:13 PM): IFLY and TY for the great friendship and love u have given me through all the drama and pain that has been in our way...
we overcame them and made it this far.
We'll always love each other even if I die, u know that i'll always be watching you...
so u can be safe and live a ling happy life.

Just a simple thanks to my NERD. She been there for me through errythang. It's like we have the same problems over and over again. We go through them together. I thank God erryday for having her as my friend and especially my NERD. We experienced so many things together that I will always cherish. She is always there for my that's why I love her. Even at times when i regret so many things, she is not one of them. She always know what to say at the right time. Im always happy cause she is always there for me when I need someone to talk to. At the times when I just can't take life anymore, she is always there to tell me that its going to be okay and I don't have to face this alone. I love her so much that she doesn't even know how much I love her. I would do anything for her. Forget what other people say, I love this girl and nothing is going to ruin our relationship. It hella feels like we are sisters cause we are so close and errythang we do, we do it together and we do the same thing. I will always have her back and if anything, we will always stick together. I promise her on errythang and anythang that we will always be the same.



1 comment:

ZhanexBaybe14 said...

Oh yess.
I'm always gonna be there for this girl.
Nothing is gonna stop me, not even you, whoever is reading this.
Anyway, Thank you DORK for posting this.
I feel hecka special cause you did this for me and I would do this for you anytime. (:
Well I can't make a long one like my others but I hope this is okay too.